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Rise 2021

Rise 2021 was a showcase of dance theatre work performed by 3rd year BA Hons Dance students at Bath Spa University. The pieces outlined below are the ones in which I was a performer and in some pieces a collaborator in the creative process.

Don't You Wish You Looked Like a Fish?


Xavier de Santos & Delicia Sefiha

Inspired by Edward Lear's nonsense poetry, 'Don't You Wish You Looked Like A Fish?' opens a world of imagination where nothing has to make sense but everything could.


Performed at

Bath Spa University

My Lover's Percussion


Kennedy Muntanga

Love is conquering mortality

Love is silence and a symphony

Love is holding the sky up

Love is letting the sky fall

Hang In There


Divija Melally & Ellie Morgan-Shaw

Do you wear your mind on your hat?

Do you wear your heart on your sleeve?

Is your story changing every day?

Do your clothes change your story?

How does that make you feel?

Accidental Renaissance


Untold Dance Theatre

Every so often a modern day image is photographed that unexpectedly resembles a Renaissance painting. This work is inspired by the notion of capturing a moment of chaos depicting the extremes of human behaviour. When viewing images such as these, we being to understand that we are just animals dressed up in suits.

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